![]() I created a Facebook community page called, "Scoli Club United". It's a page where people from all over the world can come together and share their experiences with Scoliosis. When I was diagnosed with Scoliosis at 12 years old, there was hardly any information or support groups out there. Everything was a take it as it comes experience. It would have been phenomenal is there was something out there to help educate myself and my family, but since there was not, I thought I could lend a helping hand. Educating and showing people with Scoliosis that they are not alone and helping with the self esteem issues that arise, especially since we all know that our society can be cruel. I was on the front lines battling with bullying and body self image problems. This is where not only the Facebook community page, "Scoli Club United" comes in, but this personal blog of mine that you are currently reading. If I can make one person out there realize that they are beautiful, twisted and all, then I feel I have helped. I felt very alone growing up and my goal is to make the world see that yes, only 2-3% of our population has this condition but it deserves recognition. Just because you see someone who has a hump on their back, can not stand straight, complains about back pain, or you can not see it at all because you were aesthetically lucky growing up until you bend over and cruel peers ridicule you, please know that you are special. Go to Scoli Club United Facebook page and "Like" it and share your experiences. Whether you or someone you know has Scoliosis, please share your stories, pictures, writings, or artwork. One day there will be better research, better education, and better treatment options for Scoliosis. We are survivors.
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